I teach, practice and research the way of connection between body and spirit.
Movement in the body creates movement in all areas of my life, the patterns and pains in the body are actually a reflection of the patterns and habits in my personal life, healing that is not a Band-Aid comes from internal and external movement and only you have the ability to choose and change in all layers of your life.
Yoga for me is an amazing tool in which you can simply be you, release and unload authentically
Through the practice of generating inner strength, even when there are storms outside, you remain stable to discover the creativity and life energy in you,
Every practice is a celebration!
The exercises will be integrated into them
Writing exercises, guided imagery, free dance, work on the regulatory systems, and of course yoga :)
If you are looking for an intimate practice that combines spiritual work and a connection between the two, this is the place for you
Waiting for you